Saturday, March 31, 2012


Man that issues paper was a doozy. I actually had a lot of fun writing it though. It was a topic I enjoyed so it was interesting for me to do all the research for it and then construct an argument for it. In high school I would always just find whatever sources on the internet for research papers. So I had a difficult time finding legit sources that weren't written by 15 year olds who just figured out how to create a web page. But I did, so my paper is real, ok?! I thought the thingy where we learned how to find sources was really helpful. Well guys, it's been fun! I can't believe another semester is almost over. This is the last blog post, so take it easy friends!

Nothing like a smiling sun to pick you up when you're feeling down...

J-Dub signing out!!


  1. Haha I love the smilin' sunshine! Nice touch, and very appropriate!

  2. I wish the sun would decide to stay hot instead of this weather roller coaster thing.

  3. I'm glad you are able to find legit sources. haha. Thanks for the sun, it really lifted my spirits.

  4. Your blogpost title plus the sun was perfect! haha and yes I agree, the "thingy" where we learned how to find sources was indeed very helpful!
